Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Me is part of a family of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy products. However; Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Me will NOT sell advertisements, nor run ads on our website. With a rise of privacy-evading ads, and malvertising… we have to keep this website free of ads,–so you can focus on writing your stories what you want to share with us.
As we receive donations from you; we use it for the following purposes:
- Renew this domain on a yearly basis – Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Me needs to renew our domain on a regular basis. This is necessary to ensure our platform is running for years to come.
- Server Costs – Hosting our website, like this platform is NOT free, we need to ensure we keep costs of hosting our platform in check. Typically, if we have more users… we need to ensure we have enough server space to host this platform.
- Infrastructure (not yet implemented) – Infrastructure is essential for ALL Fairies Dreams & Fantasy products. For this instance; building maintenance, electricity, and other utilities.
Thanks for coming by, and making a donation!
Please note: donations to this platform are NOT tax deductible, Fairies Dreams & Fantasy is NOT a non-profit organization.